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Dritz Crafters Thumb
Get discount in the Dritz Crafters Thumb Glove - Small on limited time offerr. We are recommended you to get this Dritz Crafters Thumb best price before time out or out of stock. We hope you still satisfied when you receive the Dritz Crafters Thumb best deals on your hand.
Here are some of the great features of Dritz Crafters Thumb Glove - Small
Dritz Crafters Thumb, The Crafter�s Thumb Glove provides all day relief for thumb pain, arthritis and repetitive stress injuries. The Crafter�s Thumb Glove is reversible to fit either thumb and is available in small, medium and large.
- Cushions and protects the underside of the wrist, including the pisiform bone
- Ideal for support during craft projects, quilting, sewing, home improvement projects, knitting, and office work
- Helps relieve sore, aching, weak thumbs and arthritis pain
- Reversible to fit either thumb
- Increases comfort and circulation
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