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KROWN BAMBOO LONGBOARD Kicktail EXOTIC Skateboard 9.75" x 36.5" KICK TAIL this product is a lot people search and KROWN BAMBOO LONGBOARD have sold by trusted site we are Guarantee. We already surveyed Krown have been popular and is cheap price now.
Here are some of the great features of KROWN BAMBOO LONGBOARD Kicktail EXOTIC Skateboard 9.75" x 36.5" KICK TAIL
KROWN BAMBOO LONGBOARD, Krown Presents the Exotic Series, featuring Bamboo / Maple Core Construction. This construction is one of the most popular for riders seeking strength and rigidity, awesome looks & renewable resource materials. 2 layers of baked bamboo envelop the strong maple core, creating a rigid deck with an awesome flex point that looks beautiful. The kicktail shape comes equipped with 71mm wheels, 7.0 trucks, and speed bearings. The top is coated with a long-lasting spray on grit to show off the bamboo and cleans easily. This shape is designed for riders looking to have a nice fluid ride. Kicktails are an awesome shape because they turn really easily and you can do it without scraping the tail. The kicktail shape is probably the easiest shape to ride (especially for someone who is used to riding a regular skateboard) Deck Dimensions: 9.75" x 36.5", Wheelbase: 23.75", Nose: 2", Tail: 6" Shape: Kicktail
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